Ferries to the Elephanta Caves, Alibaugh, or just a simple joyride in the sea start from here.

The day i took these pics was the day i was playing the tourist with a friend who was staying in mumbai for 2-3 months for her college project.
We were walking around Colaba Causeway(tourist hub,home of the famous-amongst non-mumbaikars-Cafe Leopold, and great junk jewellery shopping) and i asked if she wanted to see the Gateway cause it was just 5 minutes away, and she agreed.
So we reach Nariman Point and a lot of it was blocked because of repair work on and around Gateway. And i point in the direction of the (very prominent) Gateway of India, turn to my friend and say-"Its supposed to be here , maybe its behind this thing,"(and here i'm actually pointing at the gateway).
My friend gives me this strange 'are you ok' look and starts laughing. And only after 5 minutes did my mistake sink in.
Very embarasing...
Note: My brain may have altered what exactly happened cause i remember feeling very stupid afterwards because of my hand waving and self important air-of-tourist-guide declaration of "I'm sure the Gateway is around here somewhere," like it had gone for an evening walk or something.
Has this ever happened to anyone else, where you feel like you ought to know more about the places that are well known in your city, but which neither you nor anyone else you know who lives there actually visits?
that looks amazing! i want to go there some day!
India is a crazy chaotic and amazing country that you must visit atleast once in your life..
But i'm not sure if you'll like Mumbai that much..Most people who are not from here(I'm talking about other Indians,and well foreigners as well) cant really bear the pollution,the traffic and the overwhelming amount of people..
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